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[Environmental Funds]

Environmental Funds: the internet guide to designing, managing, monitoring, evaluating, staffing, and training for environmental funds and conservation trust funds.

An Environmental Fund (EF) is a legal institution established to provide long-term financing for conservation and environmental management activities. A typical EF would consist of a board of directors, an executive director and program staff to supervise the grants, and a source of funds for a program of grants and technical assistance.

Resource Center

Environmental Funds


Pay for Parks



Related Links

List of Environmental Funds: includes links to websites where you can view or download annual reports, guidelines for applicants, articles of incorporation, and other materials.

List of Organizations: includes links to websites of organizations and institutions that have supported environmental funds with technical assistance or funding.

Private Philanthropy: The leading source for information on private and corporate philanthropy for projects and programs is The Foundation Center. Through training courses, walk-in access to databases, databases on CD, and on-line subscription services, The Foundation Center provides information about the organizations and institutions that have supplied funding and other services to projects.


Last Updated: April 2006
Copyright © 1994-2011. All rights reserved by individual authors. Permission given to cite or create links to this website. For all other uses, contact the individual author of articles on Shores_System. Question? Email: shores_system@yahoo.com

Environmental Funds

The IPG Handbook on Environmental Funds: a resource book for the design and operation of Environmental Funds. The document is moderately large at 250 kb.

Highlights from the IPG Handbook

What is an Environmental Fund and when is it the Right Tool for Conservation? (14 kb)

What do Conservation Trust Funds have to Offer? (3 kb)

Documentacao en Portugues

FUNBIO: documentacao de FUNBIO de Brazil.

Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)

SRI: doing good while making money. The board of an environmental fund should be just as concerned about the enterprises in which the fund's capital is invested as it is about the performance of grants in the portfolio. Both should be working for a better environment. Socially Responsible Investing provides a conceptual framework for evaluating and screening investments to help managers ensure that the environment is protected at both ends.

Not everyone is convinced that environmental funds are a realistic or even an advisable way for developing countries to support their national park systems. There is plenty of room for improvement. Here is an independent critique of Environmental Funds:

Environmental Funds: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. (Coming soon)

Discussion Groups

Park Finance discussion group

Environmental Funds discussion group

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