Welcome to The Shores System
[Paying for Parks]

Paying for Parks: the internet guide to financing national parks and national park systems.
Where we offer ideas to answer the question: "But how are we going to pay for this?"

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Pay for Parks



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Table of Finance Mechanisms

Table of Park Visitation (US)


Last Updated: March 2010
Copyright © 1994-2010. All rights reserved by individual authors. Permission given to cite or create links to this website. For all other uses, contact the individual author of articles on Shores_system. Question? Email: jshores@excite.com

Paying for Parks

Paying for Parks: A guide to conservation finance, for policy makers, conservation organizations, protected area managers, and donors.

Part I - A Strategy for Financing Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation [80 kb] and
Part II - Strategies for Protected Areas and Systems[235 kb]

Based on the "conservation finance" workshops at the IVth World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas (Caracas, 1992), Paying for Parks is a guide to conservation finance for the full range of interested parties: ranging from small nongovernmental organizations that need a few thousand dollars to national agencies with needs in the multimillions, and to the donors and loaners to whom they turn for assistance.


Finance Guide

Funding Protected Area Conservation: A guide for managers and conservation organizations. By Ruth Norris and Randall Curtis (1999). Prepared in cooperation with The Nature Conservancy and UNEP. [165 kb]

Financiamiento de Áreas Protegidas en el Gran Caribe: Una Guía para Encargados y Organizaciones Conservacionistas. Por Ruth Norris y Randall Curtis (1999) [203 kb]

Discussion Groups

Park Finance discussion forum

Environmental Funds discussion forum

Parks discussion forum on the Planeta.com web site.

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