Favorite Sites

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 • netzero.com
 • mail.com
 • yahoo
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 • sonic SquirrelMail
 • webmaster@mysite
 • att yahoo
Google Voice
 • Voice.Google.com
 • news.google
 • local Google
 • igHOME
 • upside down world
 • news.yahoo
 • BBC
 • Santa Clara weather
 • weather 10-day
 • Weather West (California)
 • local weather station
 • SJC -weatherbug.com
 • Rainfall amounts (US map)
 • Sacramento weather
 • ABC 7 weather
 • NOAA fronts
 • NOAA forecast
 • weather fronts
 • wind
 • weatherSpark
 • weather in Miches, DR
 • driving difficulty (Fog)
Site Admin
 • members.mysite.com
 • shores-system.mysite.com
 • Google Sites login
 • sofnaWEB.mysite.com
 • Google search console (sofnaweb)
 • sofna.freehosting.net
 • LinkedIn
   • LinkedIn/jns
 • Homestead login
 • FaceBook/jns
 • officeLive
 • Shores System (mysite.com)
 • Green Paths Inc. (mysite.com)
 • ShoresSystem
 • sofnaWEB (Google)
 • JNShores (Google)
 • jns googlepages (old)
 • (homestead)
 • shores_system archive (geocities 2003)
 • favorite_sites
 • social entrepreneurs
 • travel_links
 • sofnaWeb (mysite.com)
 • JnShores OfficeLive
 • sofna nextdoor
 • University Place nextdoor
Local hard drive
 • /shores-system.mysite.com/
 • /social entrepreneurs/
 • /ef/
 • /ef_list/
 • /ecot/
 • /travel_links/
 • /biod/
 • /p4p/
 • /greenpathsinc/
 • /sofnaweb.mysite.com/
 • local OneDrive
Birds and other Wildlife
Cornell Lab birds guide
 • Merlin app for birding
 • Life list, species maps
 • Feeder Watch
 • migration via radar images
 • bird sounds, videos, photos
 • Cornell web cameras
 • Bird classes, webinars, and videos
 • bird nest box guide
Northern Gray Wolves
 • California Gray Wolf updates
 • Washington Gray Wolf updates
 • Washington Gray Wolf updates
 • Washington Predator Prey Project
Audio Moth
 • Audio Moth "howling spotter"
 • Citibank
 • CitiCard
 • Discover Bank
 • Tech Credit Union
 • Business Banking TechCU
 • Fidelity
 • Washington Federal (WaFd)
 • Stone Pointe Living
 • Stone Pointe Resident Portal login
 • Bell Residents (pay rent, request maintenance)
 • Conservice (utility bill)
 • 1 800 Pack Rat
 • my.msn.com
 • SmartMoney
 • UMB Health Savings Acct
 • Euro exchange rate
 • more finance links
 • FBI internet crime complaint center
Web Apps
 • Google Voice
 • Typing practice
 • Google Docs
 • Google Keep
 • OneDrive
 • Zoho
   • db Zoho
 • box.com
 • dropbox.com
 • iDrive (backup)
Social Networks
 • IUCN/WCPA/North America
 • WCPA/TAPAS Facebook page
 • IUCN Portals
 • Bebo
 • SlideShare
 • FreeCycle
 • FreeCycle LogIn
   • SanJoseFreeCycle
 • FreeCycle/ SantaClaraCA
 • Twitter
 • IceBike on Facebook
 • JohnnyFal.la
Google Tools
 • Google Search
 • Google Hangouts (chat, video)
 • Google Webmaster Tools (WMT)
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 • Birds and Wildlife
 • Biodiversity
 • Business
 • Cascadia
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 • Development
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 • Resell Electronics
 • Search
 • Shopping
 • Sustainable Development
 • Time
 • Transportation
 • Weather
 • WebCams
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Finance Foundations/OD Development Retirement
 • PowerBall, Mega-Millions, Lotto
Donor-Advised Funds
 • Fidelity Charitable
 • Champagne Annuity
 • New York Life Annuities
 • NYL investments/annuities
 • Guardian Life Annuity
 • Guardian Life log in
 • John Hancock (Parmesano Trust)
Credit Card companies
 • Fidelity Rewards (Elan)
 • Chase card
 • Discover
 • Vanguard
 • Vanguard ETF's
 • Parmesano Family Trust
 • Fisher graphics
 • SmartMoney map
 • Bank Rate (CD)
 • Bank Around
 • Bloomberg.com
 • MotleyFool CAPS
 • dividend stocks
 • Dividend Growth Investor
 • quicken
 • morningstar
 • mutual fund returns by category (Morningstar)
 • Motif Investing
 • primer
 • moneycentral MSN
 • Jubak picks
 • Wall Street City
 • Yahoo finance
 • MarketWatch
 • Currencies (reuters)
 • the motley fool
 • Money.CNN.com
 • MSCI.com
 • EconomistIntelligenceUnit
 • S&P
 • current rates
 • yield curves
 • market guide
 • businessweek charting
Data Sources
 • Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)
Assessment Tools
 • banks and thrifts
 • health & property insurers
Banks and Thrifts
 • myCiti
 • camden national
 • Five County CU
 • TreasuryDirect
 • Bank of America
 • TD Ameritrade
 • Find A Better Bank
 • Move Your Money
 • Credit Unions
Mutual Funds
 • vanguard.com
 • Yacktman Fund
 • scudder.com
 • t. rowe price
 • Alliance Capital
 • fund alarm
 • index funds
 • money at CNN
 • mutual fund magazine
Responsible Investing
 • UN Principles for Responsble Investing
 • UNEP Finance Initiative
 • UN Global Compact
General Investing
 • baseline scenario
 • Reuters
 • definitions
 • DLJ direct
 • Edelman Advisor
 • Amer Assoc of Individ Investors
 • Fitch bond ratings
 • The Economist
 • CPI (BLS)
 • Opinion Panel
 • auctions.yahoo
 • proxyvote.com
 • S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation
 • Resources Legacy Fund
 • RLG
 • Skoll Foundation
   • Social Edge
 • Google.org
 • Hewlett Foundation
 • Moore Foundation
 • Packard Foundation
 • Schwab Foundation
 • Action w/o Borders
 • W. Alton Jones Fdtn
 • OneWorld.Net
 • BizFinity.com
 • MuyBueno.net
 • Urban Institute
 • Urban Inst data
NGO Development
My Philanthropedia.org
 • Great Nonprofits.org
 • GlobalPolicyForum
 • NonProfits Center
     NonProfits FAQ
 • GuideStar
 • Foundation Center
 • Candid (Guidestar & Foundation Center)
 • CharityNavigator
 • CharityWatch
 • list of grant-making foundations
 • NGO salaries and 990's
 • MonitorInstitute
 • Calif charities
 • BBB
 • NGO Success Stories
 • Nonprofit mgt links
 • Latin Am. Alliance
 • Board Source
 • CompassPoint.org
 • Board Cafe (CompassPoint)
 • Blue Avocado
     + Nonprofit Genie
 • ICL
 • Md Non-profits
 • standards for excell.
 • Nonprofit Finan. Fund
 • Grantmakers for Eff. Organizations (GEO)
 • TechSoup
 • WiredForGood.org
 • BRIDGE (Basic Registry of Identified Global Entities)
 • ASAPonline.org
 • eGrants.org
 • CompuMentor.org
 • TCC Group
 • NGO resource links
 • c-change (communication for change)
 • build an NGO website (tips)
World Bank wiki on Evaluation
 • establishing causality (global social change)
 • Evaluation
 • program evaluation
 • Eval.Org
 • Eval Tools & Software
 • AEA 365
 • EMAS -- Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EU)
 • RedLAC
 • EcoFunds
 • USAID ETS travel
 • USAID Phone Book
 • Aid and Trade
 • Small Island Dev. States Network
 • GEF
 • DevelopmentGateway
 • Cntr for Global Dev
 • Unesco
 • FAO
 • UN Social Development Network
 • USDA/Disaster Assist
 • Pueblo-to-Pueblo
 • Peace Corps
 • PC/Response
 • PeaceCorpsConnect
 • DR (PC Connect)
 • PC connect sign-in
 • PC online crossroads
 • NorCal PCA (2016)
 • RPCV Events
 • RPCV Look-Up
 • Friends of Colombia
 • Friends of the DR
 • Fondo Quisqueya
 • Non Violence (The Einstein Institute)
Sustainable Dev.
ecosystem marketplace
 • Eurostat sustainable development indicators
 • SustDev OnLine
 • ForumfortheFuture
 • Natural Step
 • New Ventures
 • Grist magazine
 • EcoPortal (Espaņol)
 • Desarrollo Sost.
 • Ambiental.net
 • Comm. Initiative
 • Planetizen
 • www.via3.net
 • Green Paths Inc
ARD Inc.
 • Chemonics
 • DAI
 • IRG Ltd.
 • MSI
 • MSI jobs
 • World Bank eConsult

 • Social Security (ssa.gov)
 • SSA My Account
 • SSA Apply Online
 • SSA retirement planner
 • apply online for Medicare Only
 • myMedicare.gov
 • Medicare Plan Finder
 • Pay Online (premium)
 • kp.org/paymedicalbills (fees)
Retirement Calculators
 • SSA estimator
 • AARP Soc Sec benefits calculator
 • Financial Engines Social Security tool
 • Ask Liz Weston
 • retirement tools (Real Deal Retirement)
 • TRowePrice FuturePath
 • Maximize my Social Security
 • retirement calculators (list)
 • Blackrock SSA estimator
 • Smart 401(k).com retirement calculator
Retirement Resources
 • Retirement Portfolio Model (Bogleheads.org)
 • Places to retire (search tool)
 • Best Place to Retire (search tool)
 • City Data
 • College Scorecard
 • top retirements
 • Next Avenue (PBS)
 • Craig's List
 • California NGO jobs
 • HotJobs
 • Monster
 • CareerBuilder
 • Retirement Jobs
 • CommInit jobs
 • fdnCenter jobs
 • fdnCenter jobs
 • Jobs.Grist
 • Sust. Business jobs
 • EcoEmploy
 • DevelopmentEx.com
 • fdnCenter/California
 • Oportunity Knocks
 • IGC jobsite
 • Nature Jobs
 • Department of Labor
 • Jobs Consortium
 • America's Job Bank
 • America's Career InfoNet
 • USDA/FS job guide
 • Careers.com
 • Monster.com
 • USDA/DRD jobs
 • USA jobs.gov
 • NAAEE jobs
 • jobs.undp.org
 • stopdodo.com
 • Rockport Institute (tips)
 • -- what to do with your life
 • -- resume masterpiece
 • jobs.PeaceCorpsConnect
Development Education
 • Peace Corps Library
 • I Train OnLine
 • Informal Credit
 • Info. Systems in LDC's
 • Small Islands In Net
 • Eldis Home Page
 • Sust. Product Dev.
 • Global Reporting
 • Beyond Pinstripes
 • Green MBA
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Development Banks Multilateral Financial Institutions Bilaterals Bilaterals
 • World Bank Group
 • Millennium Development Goals
 • African Development Bank (AfDB)  • Asian Development Bank (AsDB)
 • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
 • Inter-American Development Bank Group (IADB)
Sub-Regional Banks
 • Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF)
 • Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
 • Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI)
 • East African Development Bank (EADB)
 • West African Development Bank (BOAD)
 • European Commission (EC)
 • European Investment Bank (EIB)
 • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
 • Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
 • Nordic Development Fund (NDF)
 • Nordic Investment Bank (NIB)
 • OPEC Fund for International Development (OPEC Fund)
Cooperative Efforts  
 • Aid Harmonization
Government, Etc  
 • EPA
 • NCSE online
 • Australian AID (AusAID)
 • Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
 • Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
 • Danish Development Agency (DANIDA)
 • Dep't for Int'l Development Cooperation (Finland)
 • Agence francaise de developpement (AfD)
 • Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
 • Development Cooperation Ireland (DCI)
 • Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
 • Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
 • Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KFW)
 • Netherlands Development Cooperation
 • New Zealand Agency for International Development (NZAID)
 • Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
 • Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
 • U.K. Department for International Development (DFID)
 • U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
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Protected Areas NGO sites GIS/mapping Info and Reference
 • ProtectedPlanet.net
 • ProtectedPlanetOcean.org
 • DOPA - Digital Observatory for Protected Areas
 • RaPA data of the US
 • ParksNet (PALnet)
 • PALnet (Spanish)
 • Ranger Federation
 • Thin Green Line
 • GuardaParques/LAC
 • PA Update (India) FB page
 • Nat Pks Traveler
 • Wilderness taskforce
 • ThunderBear
 • ParksWatch
 • Ramsar
 • NOAA Ocean Science
 • Wetlands
 • iucn/protected areas programme
 • World Conservation Congress 2012
 • WPC 2003
 • WCPA archives
 • ConsBio database
 • NPS (US)
 • NPCA (US)
 • eParks (US)
 • Marine Protected Areas (US)
 • EcoNetAmerica
 • PANparks (Europe)
 • WDPA - World Database on Protected Areas
 • World Heritage
 • USDA/FS Global Cons.
 • WCMC archives
 • EcoNetAmerica
 • Fedstats
 • Kenton at IUCN
CBD e-Learning modules
 • CBD Global Platform on Business and Biodiversity
 • Conservation Bytes -- Corey (CJA) Bradshaw blog
 • Natural Capital Coalition (NCC)
 • Animal Diversity web (UM)
 • Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) Tools Network
 • Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services - IPBES
 • Mercados de Medio Ambiente
 • Nat Bio Info Infrstructure
 • GEO Biodiversity Observation Net
 • Global Earth Observation System of Systems GEOSS
 • GEO Portal
 • 2010 Biodiversity Indicator Partnership
 • USGS global data toolset
 • TerraLook
 • PLoS/biodiversity pubs
 • animalDiversity
 • nature-worldwide
 • GIS 4 biologists
 • Conservation Biology
 • Millennium Assessment
 • biodiversity & worldmap
 • Nat'l Gap Analysis Prog
 • Consortium for the Barcode of Life
 • WRI:Biodiversity and Protected Areas
 • GRAIN (agricultural biodiversity)
 • Biodiversity Rights Legislation
 • Invasive Species SG
 • ConserveOnLine
 • Biodiversity Economics
 • Center for Biod Cons
 • Missouri Botanical Garden
 • Tropicos.org
 • SOS (save our species)
 • Scoop It (Garry Rogers)
 • Mono Lake Committee
 • Mojave Desert Land Trust
 • World rainforest Movement
 • WWF-US jobs
 • WWF-Panda
 • Conservation Int'l
 • TNC
 • WRI
 • Rare Center
 • ECNC homepage
 • Cons and Dev Forum
 • IIED Resource Centre
 • condesan
 • BeneTech
 • Conservation Measures
 • miradi
Presentation Tools and Guides
 • Slide-ology
 • Prezi
 • Powerpoint guide
 • Presentation secrets
Math sites
 • MathForum
 • MathReference
Urban Legends
 • Snopes.com
 • Museum of Hoaxes
Discussion Forums
Biodiversity Research
 • Environmental_Funds
 • Park_Finance
 • Wildland_Management
 • Ecotourism_Practice
 • Ecotourism_Financing
 • Ecotourism_Certification
 • Green Gab
 • Planeta Forums
 • Parks and Biodiversity
 • FreeCycle.org
 • gemsbok gazette
 • GoogleGroups.com
 • YahooGroups blog
 • MyGroups at Yahoo
Comic Relief
 • traffic accident
Web Sudoku
 • NPR Sunday puzzle
 • NPR main page
sky this week
 • Earth Sky
 • Earth Sky meteor guide
 • In-The-Sky
 • Cal Sky
 • Clear Dark Sky
 • heavens above
 • heavens-above for Santa Clara
 • Spot The Station (Santa Clara)
 • Spot The Station (ISS)
 • sat tracking
 • SeaSky.org/astronomy
 • NASA sightings
 • space weather
 • moon phases (calendar)
 • Time and date, moon, eclipses, etc
 • solar eclipses
 • NYT sky calendar for 2021
 • Google EarthEngine
 • EarthEngine timelapse
 • Google Maps to GPX converter (use Firefox, not Chrome)
 • flight tracking
 • world mapper
 • aerial panoramas
 • climate re-analyzer
 • virtual pike
 • maps.yahoo
 • maps.google
 • earth.google
 • moon.google
 • GeoData (UNEP)
 • MapRed
 • virtualEarth
 • OneMap.org
 • GoogleSightSeeing
 • povertymap.net
 • DLR satellite images
 • WorldWind (NASA)
 • shaded relief
 • Ushahidi (crisis mapping)
 • Cartastrophe
 • SomethingAboutMaps
 • NOAA satellite images
 • NASA missions
   • e.g. Hurricanes
 • GIS Data (at Univ. Georgia)
 • GIS/humanitarian data
 • GIS at U Alberta
 • GISweb at CIAT
 • CIAT on-line maps
 • Cons Tech Support Prog
 • Soc for Cons GIS
 • Conservation GIS
 • TreeMail
 • CIEPAC maps
 • WWF Global Network
 • GIS-related links
 • NatureServe.org
 • GeographicNames
 • GPS Wayhoo
 • GlobalSoilMap
 • USDA soils
Google translate
 • DeepL translate
 • MS translator
 • babelfish
 • freeTranslation
 • translator.live
 • paralink
 • Translation Guide
 • TextCat
 • Crapola translator
 • The Dialectizer
 • Systran translate
 • Bing translator
 • Systransoft translations
 • translations
 • trip calculator
 • distance calculator
 • LatLong Great Circle Conversions
 • Text Fixer
 • PDF <-> text
 • PDF tools (free)
 • Foxit PDF-to-Word
 • Google Scholar
 • PLOS One
 • Journal and Research databases
 • BioMed central
 • Futurity (university pubs)
 • Free Book Sifter (Amazon)
 • GapMinder (data)
 • IndexMundi (countries, commodities)
 • Why Evolution Is True
 • World Digital Library
 • Data MINE and MIC
 • English Database
 • MIT OpenCourseWare
 • Google Books
 • Wikibooks.org
 • Project Gutenberg
 • Visual Expert.com
 • DAREnet (Dutch)
 • TrueSpectra imaging  • Consumer Info Center
 • Ref Desk
 • IPL
 • Alex
 • English Server Drama Collection
 • Classics Archive
 • LibrarySpot
 • CNIE.org
 • fact books
 • CIA factbooks
 • LOC
 • Country Reports
 • emulateme
 • UN pubs
 • IMF pubs
 • IMF pubind
 • Learn 2
 • Learn 2 Type
 • NYT cyber reference
 • OneLook dictionaries
 • RH Webster's Dict.
 • Amer Heritage Dict.
 • Wikipedia
 • Citizendium
 • Merriam-Webster Dict.
 • Cambridge Dict.
 • Encarta World Dict.
 • Oxford English Dict.
 • Dictionary
 • your dictionary
 • OneLook
 • quotationsPage
 • amusing Spanish dict.
 • privacy
 • The Laughter Lab
Word Clouds
 • tagcrowd
 • tagxedo
Office Suites
 • LibreOffice
 • OpenOffice
Help with Office Suites
 • Libre Office Help starting 6.0
 • Libre Office Help up to 6.0
 • Word Tips
 • Excel Tips
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Search.1 Search.2 Loca/People Web Cams/Music
 • Wolfram|Alpha
 • Google realtime
 • realtime (experiment)
 • archive.org
 • WayBack Machine (archive.org/web)
 • Scroggle
 • powerset
 • ask.com
 • google
 • google suggest
 • google insights
 • google squared (tables)
 • google sets
 • google moderator
 • google scholar
 • semantic scholar
 • Product Search
 • google news timeline
 • yahoo!
 • answers Y!
 • live.com
 • about.com
 • soople
 • wikipedia
 • wikia
 • inform.com
 • gada.be
 • pretrieve
 • MetaCrawler.com
 • zWorks.com
 • altavista search
 • ChaCha.com
 • WiseNut.com
 • InfoMine.UCR.edu
 • RDN.ac.uk
 • ilor
 • Librarians Index
 • SearchEdu.com
 • FindArticles.com
 • FamilyTreeNow.com
 • looksmart.com
 • Open Directory
 • whitepages
 • enviro yellowpages
 • yellowpages
 • UseNet addresses
 • USPS zipcodes
 • WhoIs.org
 • whois (NSI)
 • universal whois
 • US lat./long.
 • ask Abuzz
 • find Tech newsletters
 • find web access
 • find articles
 • search tips
 • dogpile
 • Vivisimo
 • research-it!
 • researchVille.com
 • IxQuick.com
 • Raging
 • All The Web
 • Ask.com
 • BigFoot
 • Invisible Web
 • Infoseek
 • Ingenta database
 • search PDF files
 • choose a search engine
 • more search engines
 • Search Engine Watch
 • local google
 • local yahoo
 • city search
 • yelp (restaurants)
People Finders
 • people.yahoo
 • infospace.com
 • ultimate white pages
 • faceBook
 • mySpace
 • peekYou
 • wink.com
 • classmates
 • reunion
 • www.switchboard.com
 • world
 • anywho international
 • find a searchengine
 • global e-mail search
 • Who Where e-mail
Pictures and Web Cams
CalTrans web cams
 • condor cam
 • BeakSpeak birdCams
 • Eagle cam
 • Great Blue Heron
 • Red-Tail Hawk
 • Explore.org web cams
 • DC web cam
 • Damariscotta cam
 • Camden cams
 • SF Bay cam
 • Mono Lake
 • Dust Cam
 • Lee Vining
 • Dolphin cam
 • Peregrine cam
 • Eagle cam, national arboretum
 • Eagle cam2
 • Winter Biker
 • Winter Biker II
 • Nova Scotia
 • My Flickr
 • NPS webcams
 • Point Reyes
 • Yosemite
 • Yellowstone
Music Finders
 • Wolfgang's Vault
 • Free Music Archive
 • KissThisGuy
 • Lyrics.com
 • AZlyrics.com
 • lyrics.astraweb.com
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Taxes Shopping Business Real Estate
 • IRS.gov
 • EFTPS (payments)
 • CA Dept of Tax & Fee Admin
 • CA Franchise Tax Board
 • FTB WebPay
 • CA Board of Equalization
 • SC County property taxes
 • PAY property taxes
 • sales tax calculator
 • Maine Revenue Serv.
 • state tax forms
 • Tax Estimator (TurboTax)
 • SSA signin
 • SocialSecurity.gov
 • Tax Justice Now.org
 • World Inequality Database (WID)
 • Nolo
 • Law Advantage
 • My Lawyer
 • Lawyers.com
 • Law Street
 • Law Express
 • My Counsel
 • Free Advice
Credit Report
annual credit report
Identity Theft
 • identity theft
 • ID theft tips
 • about identity theft
 • like.com
 • Price Grabber
 • shopping.yahoo
 • Shopping.com
 • Deal Time
 • nexTag
 • Shopzilla
 • BizRate
 • Street Prices
 • Price Watch
 • cNet
 • Google products
Product Registrations
 • Nikon (binoculars)
Coupon Sites
 • coupon surfer
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 • Small Business Admin
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 • IRS new business Tax Kit
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 • U.S. Copyright Office
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 • Business Plans
 • Zillow
 • Eppraisal
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 • Redfin (MLS)
 • Chase home value estimator
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Consumer Watch
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Help desk Drivers + Utilities Environment Music/News
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Ham and Packet Radio
 • Amateur Radio Relay League
 • City of Santa Clara ARES-RACES
 • Santa Clara County ham radio
 • Packet Radio Net
 • Amateur Radio
 • Ronald D. Hackett
 • e-mail validator (verifalia.com)
 • WiFi FreeSpot (catalog)
 • JiWire wifi finder app (for Android)
 • MS TechNet A-Z commands
 • ISP and browser details, OS, etc.
 • MS "Fix it" Center
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 • zamzar file converter
 • UnCompress (on-line)
 • XP tuneups
 • Windows networking
 • SysInternals.com
 • NirSoft utilities
 • Hace utilities
 • TinyApps.org
 • Firewall guide
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 • checking motherboards
 • Speed Guide
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 • free downloads
 • signature ASCII
 • boot disks
 • conversions/calculators
 • javascript clocks
 • Firewall test
 • broadband scan
Education Resources
The Economy (book contents)
 • OpenStax textbooks
 • Knowmia.com
 • OpenCourseWare (MIT)
 • OpenLearn UK
 • Carnegie Mellon
 • Coursera.org
 • Tufts Univ
 • Stanford
 • UC Berkeley
 • Utah State
 • Feynman lectures (physics)
 • small business dev ctr
 • South Queensland
 • UC Irvine
 • Data Visualization Catalog
 • Data Visualization course
 • Extreme Presentation (tools)
 • Periodic Table of Data Visualization
 • 4 Teachers
   + rubrics
 • Shrock Guide
 • GingerBooth courseware
 • Accreditation database
 • NetSquirrel (Patrick Crispen)
 • Scitable
 • Space.com
 • Sci American
 • Physics Central
 • robots
 • iTunes-U
 • FrameWeb
 • env blog
 • SciDev.net
 • Smithsonian nat hist
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 • ERIC Clearinghouse
 • EE-Link (NCEET)
 • EnviroWeb (EnviroLink)
 • A Guide to Environmental Resources
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 • EcoWeb (Univ Virginia)
 • Mountain Forum
 • Mtn Forum members
 • Development Directory
 • Directorio Global Net
 • WB's PIC
 • Multimedia Env.
 • Brown Is Green
 • emulate-me (E-Conflict)
Monitoring & Evaluation
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 • Env. Evaluators Network
 • Intl Develop. Evaluation Assoc.
 • Evaluation Uncertainty
Open Source
 • Ubuntu Forums
 • Distro Watch
 • Live CD List
Older Software
 • oldVersion
 • oldApss
 • old-versions
 • picasa
 • IrFanView
 • The GIMP
 • GIMP documentation
 • getting unstuck (GIMP)
 • MIT music project
 • music writer
EurekAlert AAAS
 • LA Times
 • NY Times
 • NYT/business
 • Washington Post
 • WashPost/Technology.com
 • Style Invitational
 • Reuters
 • Wall Street Journal
 • Slate
 • today's papers
 • newseum/todaysfrontpages
 • fullcoverage.yahoo.com
 • Deja News
 • NewsIsFree
 • Real Clear Politics
 • 538
 • Tacoma News Tribune
 • Tacoma Weekly
HTML tips
HTML (whatwg.org)
 • Bare Bones HTML
 • WebsiteSetup.org
 • 6x6x6 Color Palette
 • html_colors
DSL/ISP Finders
 • dsl-providers
 • TheList
 • ISP Finder
 • Google search for ISP
Estate Matters
Probate code
 • CA forms
 • LA County forms
 • LA Superior Court
 • CA Rules of the Court
 • Probate notes
 • Santa Clara guide
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DIY Projects Stores Favorites Transportation
 • Ryan's woodworking
 • Wood Central
 • Knots
 • knots & jewelry
 • Necktie knots
 • DIY Forums
 • RecyclArt
 • DIY online
 • Green Builder
 • Renewable Energy
 • appliance repair
 • battery tips
 • cadex.com
 • batterySpace
 • Sean's flashlights
 • Budget Lighting
 • LEDtronics
 • LEDdynamics
 • Calculations
 • The Secure Home
 • Danny's Recycling Center
 • Battery Recycling
 • VCR fixer
 • Instructables
 • Chispito wind generator
 • Make Zine
 • parts & repairs
 • Manuals on-line
 • The Museum of Depressionist Art
 • The Gallery of the Unidentifiable
 • Dear Aunt Nettie
weather (monthly)
 • Pierce County
 • Washington State Department of Licensing
 • Driver license, vehicle registration"
 • Good to Go toll pass
 • Sierra Club/South Sound Group
 • WA Dept Fish and Wildlife
 • Seattle gas prices
 • Home Depot
 • Lowe's
 • OSH
 • Harbor Freight Tools
 • Sears
Health and Food
 • Compare Medicare plans
 • Kaiser Permanente.org
 • kp.org/wa (short version)
 • Kaiser Permanente Washington State
 • Parmanente.net
 • Kaiser Vision Essentials Washington
 • K-P pay medical bills
 • Kaiser Annual Notice of Changes
 • Kaiser Exercise
 • Kaiser Prevent Falls
 • Kaiser Selfcare Apps
 • Kaiser What's Due
 • K-P Insurance (Individual and Family Plan - IFP)
 • Kaiser Get Healthy
 • Kaiser Get Care
 • Kaiser MedRegister
 • Aim at Melanoma
 • Medline (OTC) catalog
 • Silver and Fit (fitness)
 • Medicare.Gov
 • MedicareRights.Org
 • HealthCare.Gov
 • county Covid levels
 • wastewater Covid tracker
 • N 95 mask locator
 • order Covid tests
 • operation costs (comparisons)
 • Revolution Health
 • Cochrane library
 • drug interactions
 • Food52 recipes
 • Practically Edible
 • ChowHound
 • eGullet
 • Amer Test Kitchen
 • Cooks Illustrated
 • Cooks Country
 • Foodily
 • King Arthur Flour recipes
 • projectFoodie
 • WashPost recipes
 • MercNews recipes
 • recipe secrets
 • RecipeSource
 • food.yahoo
 • recipes.alastra.com
 • woodbridge (recipes)
 • ice cream & sorbet
 • Fanny Farmer
 • on-line hearing test
 • Cal Health Net
 • Blue Cross of Cal.
 • Blue Shield of Cal.
Cooking / Kitchen Supplies
 • Webstaurant Store
 • Restaurant Equipment Net
 • Katom
 • Instawares
Senior Sites
 • College Town Retirement
 • Third Age
 • SeniorNet
 • Web Pointers
 • SeniorLink
 • Retirement Research
Santa Clara Master Gardeners
   + monthly tips
 • Santa Clara Master Gardeners vegetable planting chart
 • GardenWeb
   Santa Clara Valley Beekeepers Guild
Santa Clara CERT
 • Santa Clara CERT (alt)
 • CERT courses
 • 72 hours.org
 • XKCD cartoons
 • Jim Russell Handworks
 • Country Data
 • Visualizing economics
 • Flowing Data
 • VisualRoute
 • midcoast.com
 • Cal Flora
 • Guide to Congress
 • Nearctica
 • Gutenberg Project
 • Open Space World
 • eNature guidebooks
 • cartalk.com
 • Ask Bob Rankin
 • NetSquirrel.com
 • MagPortal.com
 • SatireWire.com
 • Book A Minute
 • Emily Post
 • Meteor calendars
 • sky & telescope
 • NASA pix/day
 • Leonid meteors
 • Eric's Humor Archive
 • cycling for women
 • LowerMyBills.com
Crafts & Hobbies
 • winter_biking wiki
 • IceBike wiki
 • IceBike FAQ
 • Tony's icebike photos
 • Bike Friday (videos)
 • Flint Knapper
 • Glue anything
 • Just Make It
 • Specialty Outdoors
 • electronics
 • Birds.Cornell
 • What Bird?
Time (PDT)
 • time zone conv
 • time and date
 • meeting planner
 • Every Time Zone

 • Actiontec GT784WNV
 • dsl modem / gateway
 • router at (whitebox)
 • Sonic.com
 • SonicStatus.com
 • DiceWare (passwords)
 • IP Location
 • att.net
 • help att.net
 • att wifi (free)
 • router (wired connection)
 • USB port on router
 • USB port on router via internet (address may change)
 • print server
 • SamKnows reporting
 • OpenDNS
 • OpenDNS cache
 • Fast.com speed test
 • TestMy Net
 • SpeedOf Me
 • Ookla SpeedTest
 • Speakeasy SpeedTest
 • BandWidth Place
 • CNET SpeedTest
 • Xfinity SpeedTest
 • DSL reports SpeedTest
 • Geek Squad SpeedTest
 • Speed of Me SpeedTest
 • Visualware SpeedTest
 • WUG Test
 • Sonic Net
 • broadband map
 • new generic TLD's
 • router help & tips
 • community broadband networks
 • Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO)
 • history.google.com/history
 • unshorten it (URL expander)
E-Mail Tools
 • E-mail Header Analyzer
 • Google Header Analyzer
 • How to find Message Headers
 • Interpreting the E-mail Header
 • Geo-locate that IP address
 • transit.511
 • CalTrain
 • Train Schedules
 • VTA
 • Amtrak
 • Caltrans
 • Caltrans highways
 • SigAlert
 • Bay Area Fastrak
 • Oregon TripCheck
 • WSDOT traffic alerts
 • MegaBus
 • BoltBus
 • GoToBus (compare)
 • My Subaru (login)
 • Car accident help
 • Car maintenance
 • Car Talk
 • Cars.com
 • Edmunds Automative
 • EPA fuel economy
 • Kelly Blue Book
 • Car Buying Tips
 • AutoByTel.com
 • Car Recalls by VIN
Gas prices
Santa Clara gas
 • San Jose gas
 • Tacoma gas prices
 • Seattle gas prices
 • Los Angeles gas prices
 • GasBuddy
 • GasBuddy trip calculator
 • Geico gas prices
 • Map Gas Prices
 • MSN GasStations
 • GasPriceWatch
 • CleanMPG (hypermiling)
Bicycles, Repairs
 • bike electronics DIY
 • bike LED lights
 • Everyday Carry
 • MapMyRide
 • MapMyRun
 • Momentum Planet
 • Urban Velo
 • Practical Pedal
 • Sheldon Brown
 • Park Tool
 • BikeWebSite
 • Ken Kifer
 • Barnett manual (4th)
 • Barnett manual (3rd)
 • street smarts
 • Lighting
 • bicycle lighting
 • DIY lights
 • solar panels
 • TuneCharger
 • Deal Extreme
 • LED light
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Libraries Pierce County/Region Washington Recreation
 • Pierce County Library System
 • Pierce County Library catalog
 • eSource materials
 • City of Santa Clara lib.
 • Libby app
 • City Libary via BiblioCommons.com
Local Entities
 • City of University Place
 • City of Santa Clara
   + City e-mail list
   + SC senior center
   + SC senior center registration for activities
   + SC traffic cameras
   + Recycling (2010)
 • Silicon Valley Power
 • US Postal Rates
 • Chamber of Commerce PAC poster
Neighborhood Asocs
 • sofnaWEB
 • Shasta/Hatchett Park(SJ)
 • city-data.com/city/Santa-Clara...
Local Universities
 • San Jose
 • Santa Clara Univ
   + SCU Library
 • Stanford
PowerOutage US
 • weather sunrise sunset 98466
 • Weather:Los Angeles
 • sunrise/sunset anywhere
 • AnythingWeather
 • Intellicast
 • Joshua Tree
 • Yosemite
 • Sequoia Kings Canyon
 • Weather Channel
 • BBC Weather
 • Picture of the Day
 • Weather Underground
 • findu.com
 • Tide Tables
 • California Tides
StonePointe University Place
 • SecureCafe login
 • Conservice Utility Payments
 • Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) log-in
Pierce County
 • Pierce County
 • Assessor-Treasurer (Pierce County)
 • Property Tax Parcel Search
 • Santa Clara County (new 2023)
 • Santa Clara County
 • Registrar of Voters
 • Santa Clara County Master Gardeners
 • California Rare Fruit Growers Society
 • Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the California Rare Fruit Growers Society
 • Gardening & Reduce Waste
 • Smart Voter
 • Red Cross - Silicon Valley
 • Red Cross - RapidPass
 • Red Cross Volunteer Connection
 • Red Cross sharepoint
 • County Court
 • jury duty
 • eJuror (Santa Clara)
 • Sup Court selfservice
 • San Joe Bike Party
 • Ride with GPS
 • Spare the Air
 • Clipper Card (VTA)
 • Kaiser-Permanente
 • Where There Is No Doctor
 • PG&E gas utility
 • PG&E power cut-off map
 • Red Cross
 • Blood donor RapidPass
 • AT&T
 • Pacific Bell
 • GTC Telecom
 • myGTC
 • SC Valley Water
 • AllState
 • Sonic.net
 • Transit 511
 • Transit 511 traffic cams
 • Caltrain
 • VTA
 • AmTrak
News and Media
 • KTVU chan 2
 • KRON chan 4
 • CBS chan 5 KPIX
 • ABC chan 7 KGO
 • NBC bay area
 • BayArea newspapers
 • Mercury News
 • public employee salaries
 • UM/silicon valley
 • Department of Licensing
 • Good to Go pass
 • ORCA pass
Old California Links
 • Voter Status
 • Cal Senior Gateway
 • GreenInfo.org
 • CaliParks.org
 • ParkInfo.org
 • Parks.CA.gov
 • LandTrustGIS.org
 • CAlands.org
 • ProtectedLands.net
 • EDIS alerts
 • Fire Center
 • Incident Information System .gov (wildfires)
 • YubaNet (Fires)
 • Kamala Harris
 • Diane Feinstein
 • Assemblyperson Kansen Chu (District 25)
 • flight tracker
 • San Jose - SJC
 • San Francisco - SFO
 • Oakland - OAK
 • Los Angeles - LAX
 • Calif. Watchable Wildlife
 • California online services
 • DMV
 • Earthquake 24 hrs
 • USGS earthquakes Bay Area
 • Cal Quakes
 • Bay Gov'ts
 • NorCal Earthquake
 • FEMA community preparedness
 • Attorney general/firearms
 • Bay Area Air Quality
 • Air Now (.) org
 • Fires and plumes, Air Quality (airnow.gov
 • GeoTracker (groundwater plumes)
 • Silicon Valley Haz Waste Sites
 • E-Rewards site
 • BigLots survey
 • Burger King
 • Five Guys
 • FoodMaxx
 • Grocery Outlet
 • Home Depot
 • Jack Listens
 • Krispy Kreme Listens
 • Lowe's survey
 • McDonald's
 • Safeway
 • Smart & Final
 • Chef's Store
 • Sprouts
 • Target
 • Grocery Outlet
 • Lucky's
 • Jack in the Box
 • Safeway
 • Smart & Final
 • Sprouts
 • BestBuy
 • BestBuy card balance
 • U.S. Senate
 • Senator Boxer
   + e-mail Boxer
 • Senator Feinstein
   + e-mail Feinstein
 • U.S. House
 • Mike Honda
   + e-mail Honda
 • Motion (Greg Aiello)
 • Museums on Us
 • Swimming Holes
 • Hot Springs
 • Bay Nature
 • Bay Area Hiker
 • Mipeninsula Regional Open Space District
 • Spawn USA
 • Bay Trail
 • AcTerra
 • CleanACreek
 • public camping
 • IRIS maps
 • Parks & Recreation
 • California Agri-Tourism
 • California Coastline
 • San Benito wineries
 • Monterey County (com)
 • Bristlecone Pines (Inyo NF)
 • Desert USA
 • desert wildflowers
 • Joshua Tree
 • Mohave Desert
 • Henry Coe St Park
 • Reservations (US Gov)
 • Point Reyes Seashore
 • Redwood Nat'l Park  • Yellowstone Nat'l Park
 • Yosemite Nat'l Park
 • Pinnacles Nat'l Park
 • Friends of Pinnacles
 • PINN campground reservations
 • Pinnacles weather report
 • Billy Frank Jr Nisqually NWR
 • Friends of Nisqually
 • Crackle (Sony)
 • Viewster
 • Open Culture
 • Indie Movies
 • Indie Flix
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ASCII sketch of the Tyler Avenue facility
Gelato recipe
Shortbread recipe
soft Choclate Chip cookies recipe